Most Detailed Paper Plane Replica by Luca Laconi-Stewart

iNet Buzzer - Can you imagine if a replica aircraft made ​​by paper and the results are very similar to the smallest detail. Truly a masterpiece.

Pic: CNN

Recently, an artist from San Francisco named Luca Laconi-Stewart has prepared his final project. A replica of Boeng 707-138 type aircraft he had built to capitalize paper. The aircraft is 1:60 scale and made ​​his own without the help of others using Cardboard.
Luca Iaconi-Stewart has spent the past five years -- around 10,000 man hours -- making a minutely detailed, 1:60 scale replica of an Air India Boeing 777 out of manila folders.

Almost part was build in detailed, even the chairs. One thing that is not being this plane part is the Pilot. But this guy has difficulties when detailing all the parts. The model maker had to copy many of his design drawings from pictures of the Boeing -- until he came across a plane maintenance manual.

Pic: CNN


how do you make this Luca


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