Presidents Day 2014, A Tradition following Washington's Birthday

iNet Buzzer - On this day, Monday, February 17, 2014. The American people celebrated what they called Presidents Day 2014. But, do yo know the background of this term?

In the past, this tradition is called "Washington Days" (according to the date of the birth of George Washington). A tradition that began in 1879 as a tribute to George Washington that has become one of the best President of the United States. And on this day, (Monday, the third week of February) became a national holiday in America to honoring this term.

Short History

The term was starting from a congress agreement. Which is in accordance with the "Act of Congress" in 1879 and developed in 1885. Long have been in the term of Washington and Lincoln days, this federal holiday then renamed in the mid-1980s, the term was changed from "Washington Birthday" to "Presidents Day", so it should cover all honored president in US history.

The message is a tribute to the service of the American president and to remind young people, who are actually your president?.

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